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  1. I need help understanding this program
  2. Assertion failed, string subscript out of range
  3. problem with arrays
  4. Nested Lopp Asterisk Histogram
  5. How to override standard printf defined in gcc library
  6. How to switch lines/record inside a textfile?
  7. How to read and sort data in a textfile (ascending order)
  8. Strange Template Instation Error or something
  9. hey m stuck with this matrix problem..plz help..
  10. Updating Items in Template Array Class
  11. Creating a triangle in C++
  12. levelorder traversal with queue
  13. Unhandled Exception, Not sure Where
  14. News Story Developers Say 'Hello World' to IT
  15. complicated while loop
  16. php client / c++ server socket program
  17. Input data from usb fingerprint reader
  18. Draw Rectangle Using Loops
  19. column resizable
  20. Classes anyone please?
  21. What is conditional operators
  22. how to determine the size of the dynamic array
  23. problem with definining arrays of structures
  24. Microsoft Windows Server 2008
  25. ifstream issue ...
  26. Try {} , catch{} throw
  27. Network IP allocation
  28. Adding Graphics
  29. please help to debug this
  30. How can I add sound to this??
  31. infinite while loop
  32. precision issues when printing to cout
  33. Help formatting data..
  34. Simulation Queue
  35. Problem regarding "Fatal Error LNK1561"
  36. Borland Strings
  37. Trouble With Input From a File
  38. No Clue
  39. Unique insert sorting handling
  40. its hard on ari :(
  41. Need help with a function
  42. Help
  43. Adding Sounds
  44. Using a string in a class?
  45. getting error 2019. Have done #include's correct. Why? Please help. Thanks.
  46. DivByZero exception handling help
  47. Code Snippet Text - Based RPG V2
  48. Input from file issues
  49. standard library for c++
  50. Code Snippet Neat Text-Based RPG C++ Console
  51. help needed urgentl!why do i get the following results?
  52. Printing contents of a map containter
  53. Pass Multidimensional Vector by reference
  54. Adding struct in container in sorted way
  55. Help with ANSI Escape Codes
  56. Quick question : Array of Objects
  57. Game Problem (beginner)
  58. help 2d linked list
  59. Problem with Arrays
  60. Viewing .exe File Source / Editing .exe File
  61. How to install turbo c++ in linux(Xanthros) and create a program?
  62. GPA Calculator
  63. (beginner) this simple code just errors
  64. Confusion on the (? :) statement
  65. 4Easysoft DVD to Video Converter/MP4 Converter(Windows/Mac) 30% Discount
  66. Help needed with dynamic arrays.
  67. Adding double quotes to a string problem.
  68. Need help with a function
  69. help
  70. please help
  71. Soccer game c++ PLEASE HELP!!!!!!!
  72. Making a basic calculator
  73. class question
  74. News Story Any function point specialists out there?
  75. glColor problem
  76. Break up an integer
  77. Delete the second dot in textbox
  78. Help me with this code
  79. plz help me with pointers..
  80. Setting my loop for random numbers
  81. help with binary search trees and saving them
  82. memory deallocation
  83. Pseudo Code to c++ code
  84. I need advice on removing suffixes.......
  85. problem with inserting datas in sqlite table, possible problem pointer
  86. Calculator in a dialog box
  87. Help me understand this short code
  88. Class work must be DONE!!!
  89. how do i count lines?
  90. int in fstream?
  91. help with sending text file through socket
  92. What is wrong with this code (beginner)
  93. C++ Simple Math?
  94. LPD3DXMESH vs ID3DXMesh
  95. Please help me
  96. How do i make this right?
  97. total noob looking for some help
  98. Help on C++ Clone!
  99. How to I cout a backslash(\)???
  100. Search a txt file?
  101. Urgent help neede! Need to extract speech transcript from video
  102. What to use to make GUI
  103. Putting two characters together under special circumstances
  104. Help Me!!! im Newbie!!
  105. Reading data from a file
  106. Representing Projectile motion in openGL
  107. Converting celsius to fahrenheit PROBLEM
  108. Function Problem
  109. Alittle Help for this Noob?
  110. Need a little help with my program
  111. retrieving one by one integer from file?
  112. "request for member of non class type" error
  113. Get Dialog hWnd
  114. Import from Excel - Save as XML
  115. Merging 2 Files
  116. programming question
  117. Computing Average Test Scores
  118. plz help me with this
  119. Help help help with my homework
  120. SIGSEV in array declaration inside a switch
  121. clear my array to calculate average and also a small question about rand
  122. VC++ access MySQL query problem
  123. Question about #ifdef
  124. Identify someone's age by entering the IC number...
  125. How to make money as a programmer
  126. Trouble with Binary files
  127. function to display number of primes in a specific range
  128. i gave up! anyone knows "ofstream"
  129. For loop test condition
  130. Win32 API and C++
  131. Why I cannot display the price,sale & total sale in point form?
  132. String delimeter
  133. How do I find the total sale for my program??
  134. Need some help with if statements
  135. About C++ game programming, engines, etc
  136. STRUGGLING!! I am in dire need of some help
  137. Finding Struct highest and lowest!
  138. Possible linking problem: symbol reference error
  139. Game of Crap
  140. Sort by alphabet
  141. Double Linked List Issue
  142. Pinpoint a Segmentation Fault
  143. How to extract dynamic data from a .txt file/fstream?
  144. Conversion function help
  145. Visual C++ GetLine, Char to Int issue
  146. compile pthreads in windows netbeans
  147. Need help with a simple while loop
  148. telnet server disconnects sockets too quickly
  149. Borland 5.5
  150. URGENT!!! I NEED your HELP!!
  151. c++ help
  152. count a pointer, help
  153. Arrays - Need help displaying an array.
  154. Why the second loop does'nt work??
  155. Code Snippet Conversion to any base, with a fixed number of digits
  156. How do I link my stuff?
  157. help with testing code
  158. Multiple Inputs
  159. Runs on VS, doesn't compile on Cygwin
  160. Help - BigInteger Multiplication using STL List
  161. just a quick question here
  162. Calling Functions
  163. operator= changes value just for scope of function
  164. Delete Linked List
  165. Help with C++ compatibility program
  166. Loop help and such.
  167. Dynamic Adding of Widgets in GTKMM
  168. Allegro res change program, crashes occasionally :P
  169. traversing tree folder!!
  170. how do i add sum
  171. If else statement problem
  172. coding
  173. Filtering a vector's contents based on regex
  174. calculator in c++ with string as input
  175. Linker error
  176. what does single quote means ??
  177. I need help on this.....
  178. how to set the range using switch statement??
  179. matrix multiplication in c++
  180. I need some help.
  181. Issue with compiling in Cygwin
  182. Why is C++ so big?
  183. How to make the cout work when input is not integer in this simple program?
  184. Array rotate in wrong way
  185. Whats wrong with this function?
  186. Structures
  187. Problems With Simple C++ Battle System; Need Help
  188. Round Robin Completion Time
  189. problems with vectors
  190. C++ Assighment
  191. Problems with my if loop
  192. Finding Highest, Lowest, and Average in an Array
  193. Create UNIX Shell Pipes handler
  194. hi
  195. dynamic instantiation of c++ objects
  196. fstream problem... need help rewrite and redo code....
  197. Splitting a string into tokens using strtok and string as parameter
  198. Text based rpg source code.
  199. Error message "Linker error"????
  200. recursion->nonrecursion?
  201. Whats wrong with my switch statement??
  202. Case Expression Not Constant
  203. Help Writing to .txt File
  204. Trying to Output Dynamic Array as Matrix
  205. How to make the cout work when input is not integer in this simple program?
  206. Array rotate in wrong way
  207. Whats wrong with this function?
  208. Structures
  209. Problems With Simple C++ Battle System; Need Help
  210. Round Robin Completion Time
  211. problems with vectors
  212. C++ Assighment
  213. Problems with my if loop
  214. Finding Highest, Lowest, and Average in an Array
  215. Create UNIX Shell Pipes handler
  216. hi
  217. dynamic instantiation of c++ objects
  218. fstream problem... need help rewrite and redo code....
  219. Splitting a string into tokens using strtok and string as parameter
  220. Text based rpg source code.
  221. Error message "Linker error"????
  222. recursion->nonrecursion?
  223. Whats wrong with my switch statement??
  224. Case Expression Not Constant
  225. Help Writing to .txt File
  226. Trying to Output Dynamic Array as Matrix
  227. Code Snippet fstream not working
  228. Program Help
  229. Ask about program
  230. is that possible i'm using this substring to determine age from id?
  231. Problem when generate ID from txt file
  232. Function trouble (beginner)
  233. Is it possible to use the 'goto' statment in a different function?
  234. i want make convertor
  235. i want to know......
  236. i want to know......
  237. sort code & write exchange increment line
  238. problem with a logic error
  239. Dr. MyName, or how I learned to stop worrying and love using strings in functions
  240. Please someone help me with these 19 errors !!!
  241. Need help to create a main driver in c++
  242. wxDB classes
  243. Clock Program
  244. Max Height formula
  245. hash table /independent rehaching
  246. Need help with FOR repitition with Switch
  247. Need help....
  248. Explanation of code line by line
  249. Read Last ten lines from text
  250. Disabling fullscreen using GLUT